Sweetness instead
Here We Go
I Promised You Cake
Here's What Happened
Not a Single Day
A Leg of Lamb, Trussed and Tied
Plum Cake, Sandy Shores, and Dinner with Friends
On Friends, Marriage, and Warm Nights
Hot and Cold
Something’s Happened
Rhubarb + Custard = Springtime Dessert Pleasure
To Begin and to End
This Is Not a Food Post
In Many Ways
It’s New York, But It’s Much More than That
Message from Afar
Eating Cherries in Winter
A Chocolate Cake, Perfect for Wooing
VeraAnna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Glacage au chocolat, Julia Child, Poetry, Reine de Saba, Robert Frost, Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, The French Chef Cookbook, chocolate cake
Ode to Anis Plätzchen
Everything that Rises Must Converge*